Why Do Animals Hibernate? book
Why Do Animals Hibernate? (an Infomax Common Core Reader) book by David Martin
Why Do Animals Hibernate? Large color photographs of dens, burrows, caves, and hibernating creatures along with narrative nonfiction text engagingly explain the world of hibernation.
Format: Softcover
Ages: 5-8 years
Page Count: 24 pages
Common Core State Standard Allignment: ELA Literacy.RI.1.4, Literacy.L.1.4
Enrichment Suggestion: For added enrichment, add the book “Good Night, Bears: Learning About Hibernation" from the Rosen Common Core Readers Program to provide an alternative perspective or point of view on the same topic.
Maestra's Memo: This book introduces several new but possibly unfamiliar vocabulary words which may be challenging for some children to pronounce or understand. Consider following along with the story read aloud of this book on Youtube.com (Click Here)
Learn more about hibernation by visiting the Learning Made Fun With Maestra Casiano's Family Fun Activities for January 2025 (Click Here)