Registration for Family Fun Night: Fun-tastic Fantasy Event 08/18/2023 (Copy)
Register for this Fun-tastic Fantasy Event with Maestra Casiano on Zoom!
Registration to participate is $24 per child. Each "full" registration includes one set of 4 touch & feel books along with all of the materials to make an interactive mushroom house craft to interact with the fantastic characters in the stories!
Shipping within the USA included. Additional copies of the craft kit materials can be shipped for $8 each if shipped together.
Live Zoom session tutorial will be available for participants who have registered & paid! The Zoom session will include a lesson about the fantasy genre & origin stories for some of the fantasy creatures.
Love this activity - great for kids 4-10 years… explore the fantasy genre including gnomes, trolls, unicorns, fairies… then make a craft with those characters!
This is a great activity for the entire family! Parents are strongly encouraged to participate!
Order by August 5, 2023 to ensure delivery in time for the Zoom tutorial event!